3D Printed Retro Raygun

How I made a prop raygun in 42 easy steps
Making Fun Things
How I made a prop raygun in 42 easy steps
Not only did I design and 3D print my wife’s engagement ring, but I also wrote an article about it for Make: Volume 68. The gist of that article is also posted on makershare, in case you’d like to try it yourself. It was fun, and took several trials on the home printer before sending
I’ve heard that the best reason to make things is to give them away as gifts, and I completely agree.I doodled a little robot one day and thought it looked pretty cool. I built this little robot pendant in SolidWorks, developed it as I went along, and printed it in steel through Shapeways.Sometimes the quick
I designed and printed a morph ball for a Sphero toy. Something about the art of Metroid just has a way of sticking in my brain, I guess. For some reason I couldn’t find anyone else making a real-life morph ball, so I went and made it happen.